Wednesday, June 23, 2010


my body is a peace to you
a peace to your Jesus piece
a peace to the broken pieces of every young girl shattered in bathroom corners
peace to the piece hidden in his book bag waiting for the bullet to make peace with his problems
i find the most beautiful people have forgotten that they are beautiful
yesterday, i caught an old woman talking with an oak tree
it was a remarkable conversation about the wind and the grasshoppers
my grandmother talks with the dust
she tells me that her rocking chair is the most peaceful instrument she knows

see all i have is this

my arms are a musical instrument
when i give a hug to another human being i am harmonizing my spirit with theirs
hear us soar into each other like a collision course jay-z and linkin park weren't ready for
crunched in an auto-tune of cracked corners
here lies the accuser of melodies
take caution dear young-in's
this town has it out for you
has it out to flip your symphonies and turn them into mold
like specs of kansas twirling with the wind

i want to talk to grasshoppers too grandma

my hands are this bitter earth after john wayne gacy jr.
today i am young
my fingers full of calcium trodden across the carpet
the boys do not want to kiss me
i am his unknown child
heaven only knows the crisp of autumn crackling on the front porch
he would drink often
the trickle of vodka in his beard
his limbs piling in my closet
the things i did to him in the silence
mommy, why is father's day a vacant lot
in the crux of cincinnati during mid-day

my name is tonya
it is difficult for me to tell my mother that i love her
i believe in suffering to know joy
people are beautifully drawn to me, i find such persons insane
i hate scrubbing sin form my bathroom walls
and i wish i was a voice hearer
i am afraid of the dark
i am afraid of waking up
of never seeing my brothers graduate
of my mother never leaving this town
of sunshine

i want my body to sound like peace
like love
like hope
like smile, you are beautiful
like what sound is more beautiful than being alive
and it should sound just like this

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